Hey all!
Interim ended a couple of weeks ago and my Spring semester began about two weeks ago!! Interim was really chill and I really enjoyed it. I got to go to Chicago and New York which was really fun and relaxing ~~ On another not it feels like I've been in school for about a month already! This semester I'm taking spanish, psych stats, chem and microbio in addition to work part time and working as treasure for our on campus org- Democracy Matters and possibly teaching ESL for spanish. Although I am busier than last semester, I am definitely more focused on doing well in my studies and just doing my best all around; whether it's in my course work or relationships with others. My new's year resolution is to give 110% in everything I do. What's yours?
On another note, I'm in the process of applying and interviewing for the RA process at my school (I'm actually really excited about it because I feel that I'm the type of candidate that they are looking for). I'm also looking for some health-related jobs back in my home of NC. I'll let y'all know how that process goes.
I gotta go, but I'll part with some encouraging words. Have a great Valentine's Day and week!!
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."
"Reach for the stars, cause if you fall you'll land on a cloud."