Hello All
It has been a while since I have updated you all with what's going on in my life. Well for starters, my sophomore year of college has finally come to an end Thank God!! And shockingly enough, I have changed my career path! yes. Instead of pursuing Med school, I have veered off that path that I have known for so long to pursue a career in dentistry! I made the decision during the initial start of the summer. After seeing my orthodontist and recalling past experiences with my dentist, I realized that dentistry was the career for me. It was an EXTREMELY emotional decision for me and I thought about it for a couple of days and I am certain about it. Now I am trying to catch up on much-needed information about applying to dental school and what I need to do to get in.
On another note, I have a job for the SuMMER!! I'm pretty excited about it and although it's temporary, but I'm pretty psyched and thankful for having it. What I'll be doing is R.A.-ing at a program at my school and working with high-schoolers and helping them develop skills needed to succeed in college.
What are you doing this summer?
later and enjoy your time off from school