On thursday, June 25th , I got the news the Michael Jackson died. I came inside from swimming and my sister put the t.v. on MTV. I saw the meter thing on the bottom of the screen saying that Michael Jackson died. I thought to myself, what kind of sick joke it this? How can Michael Jackson be dead? The King of Pop can't be dead? Then as the night progressed on, all t.v. networks confirmed MJ's death. The news came at such a shock because MJ really did seem immortal. Yesterday I was in shock and awe that Michael Jackson was dead, now today I feel as if I lost a family member or a dear friend...I feel so sad...as if a piece of my life is gone. Michael Jackson was the standard of pop culture and no one will ever measure up to the amount of influence that MJ had world-wide. Just the wasy he moved and dance and sang...no one will ever amount to that. It's just so sad that people were so mean to him and said really cruel thing to him and about him, forgetting the fact that MJ was human and had a heart and feelings like the rest of us. Although some of the things surrounding MJ in the last part of this decade were controversial, I think it's so sad that he left this earth so suddenly; out of the blue. Well, I think it's safe to say the great always die young. I hope that MJ is resting in the peace that he wanted so badly. RIP MJ and you'll be a tough act to follow.
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