I'll tell you straight up. I am single and I've known nothing else; I've been single for the entire 20yrs of my life. Growing up, I definitely felt the pressure to act a certain way or emulate what other girls did to get guys. And recently, well this past semester, I truly liked this one guy (I'll leave it at that)and seriously contemplated him as a potential bf. However, after deep thought and some good ol' prayer, I asked myself these question: Did I truly deep down in my heart like this guy or did I simply like the idea of him--meaning did I only like the idea of being in a relationship and having a boyfriend? After letting this marinade in my head for about a week or so, I've come to the conclusion that I liked both--I did like him but not as much as I thought I did, but I liked the idea of him more than I liked him (you get me?)
you know the saying that goes "it's better to have loved than to not have loved at all?" well, I believe that it is true to some degree. Although I spent a lot of time thinking about this kid and trying to get his attention--and essentially asking him out on a date, it wasn't done in vain for I have learned more about myself in terms of my relationship with potential guys and its something that I'll focus on later
anyways that just my tangent for the day~
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